
Differences between version 13 and predecessor to the previous major change of IDE.

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Newer page: version 13 Last edited on Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:38:01 pm by LawrenceDoliveiro Revert
Older page: version 12 Last edited on Friday, July 29, 2005 11:03:48 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@
  <br> __I__ntegrated __D__rive __E__lectronics: 
- Nowadays, the term for a protocol for attaching devices to computer motherboards (another one is [SCSI]) .  
- It is the most commonly used in [x86 ] desktop machines running [Linux] or MicrosoftWindows ,  
- and in cheap servers (ie not BigIron). The most typical devices include [HardDisk ]s and [CDROM ]s .  
- Modern [ IDE] HardDisk~s usually support [SMART]
+ A generic term for various high-level controller protocols for interfacing to hard drives and other block devices. Examples of such protocols are [PATA ], [SCSI ] and [SATA ]. However, the term “ IDE” is often (mis)used as a synonym for PATA
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+ In the days before the disk controller electronics were integrated into the drives, PCs had to interface with them using protocols such as [ST-506|].  
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