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This is the default introductory program to a new ProgrammingLanguage. It simply prints the text “Hello World” and a newline. HelloWorld is not really meant as a sample program, though. What you learn from creating a Hello World program is how to use the language tools: it's a first exercise in entering, compiling and running a program on a paticular system, and it might make you go find the documentation on the I/O library in some cases. In many very high level languages, it looks exactly the same. As a demonstration of the feel of a language, PPR:WardNumber is a much better problem. [99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall | http://99-bottles-of-beer.ls-la.net/] can also be adequate. Some examples of HelloWorld in different ProgrammingLanguage~s: [BASIC]:: <verbatim> PRINT "Hello World\n" </verbatim> [C]:: <verbatim> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Hello World\n"); return 0; } </verbatim> [C++]:: <verbatim> #include <iostream> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; return 0; } </verbatim> [COBOL]:: ''I'm not sure how much of this is serious or facetious...'' <verbatim> 000100 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 000200 PROGRAM-ID. HELLOWORLD. 000300 DATE-WRITTEN. 02/05/96 21:04. 000400* AUTHOR BRIAN COLLINS 000500 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 000600 CONFIGURATION SECTION. 000700 SOURCE-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL. 000800 OBJECT-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL. 000900 001000 DATA DIVISION. 001100 FILE SECTION. 001200 100000 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 100100 100200 MAIN-LOGIC SECTION. 100300 BEGIN. 100400 DISPLAY " " LINE 1 POSITION 1 ERASE EOS. 100500 DISPLAY "HELLO, WORLD." LINE 15 POSITION 10. 100600 STOP RUN. 100700 MAIN-LOGIC-EXIT. 100800 EXIT. </verbatim> [Java] <verbatim> public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } </verbatim> [Linux] [x86] AssemblyLanguage:: <verbatim> .data .align 4 message:: .string "Hello World\n" message_len = . - message .text .align 4 .globl _start _start:: movl $0x4, %eax movl $0x1, %ebx movl $message, %ecx movl $message_len, %edx int $0x80 movl $0x1, %eax xorl %ebx, %ebx int $0x80 </verbatim> [Perl]:: <verbatim> print join('', pack("V4", (0x6c6c6548,0x6f77206f,0xa646c72))); </verbatim> ''Sorry, someone is being facetious. Of course, it's:'' <verbatim> print "Hello World\n"; </verbatim> [Python]:: <verbatim> print "Hello World" </verbatim> __UserRPL__ (for the HP48 Calculator):: <verbatim> << "Hello World" MSGBOX >> </verbatim> [PHP]:: <verbatim> <?php echo("Hello World\n"); ?> </verbatim> And the list could go on and on. See also: * [Hello, World Page! | http://www2.latech.edu/~acm/HelloWorld.shtml], a very comprehensive collection of HelloWorld programs in many ProgrammingLanguage~s * PolyGlot
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