Alas, I'm far too busy (doing not sure what) to take an active role in advocating Operating Systems for general use; so I'm more of a Stealth Zealot...
pub 1024D/15FC4E28 2001-05-19 Gerard Sharp (Personal) <censored> Key fingerprint = 154E 1717 8380 2510 2432 06F7 4E7F EF0C 15FC 4E28 sub 1024g/F9E67EEA 2001-05-19
Note: This is a randomly-editable site, the above data may not be what I once entered. Please ensure you download the key from a KeyServer.
GerardSharp has agreed to the terms of the WlugWikiLicense.
"Nuzzle the Wuzzle!"1?
The first time I logged into Toontown BBS, I was beset by the SysOp, one CraigBox (CRiGGiE. The guilty know who they are).
After a long and almost amusing conversation, he commandeered my keyboard and set my first-ever d:CAF message, which is pretty much summed up above.
On irc or icq, I have the Nick Wuzzle; but in The RealWorld, I use my actual name, GerardSharp.
1? Wuzzle is in fact perhaps GerardSharp's real name, we're not sure. He claims he got the nick by a former girlfriend, but won't explain why (and we aren't asking).
2 pages link to GerardSharp: