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"Nuzzle the Wuzzle!"1?

The first time I logged into Toontown BBS, I was beset by the SysOp, one CraigBox (CRiGGiE. The guilty know who they are). After a long and almost amusing conversation, he commandeered my keyboard and set my first-ever d:CAF message, which is pretty much summed up above.

Since then, I've moved to Hamilton, done the whole WaikatoUniversity "Education" thing. Yes, I was a LazyStudent.
Now I'm in The RealWorld WorkForce, making little pieces of paper, which I spend on electronic gadgets; and making the world a worse place.

On irc or icq, I have the Nick Wuzzle; but in The RealWorld, I use my actual name, GerardSharp.

  • This is all lies btw, most people in the RealWorld don't even know Wuzzles real name, including one or two of his Uni lecturers !! This is probably due to the difficulity people have in figuring out how to prounce Gerard, and anyhow, Wuzzle suites him better ! -- JamieCurtis

My hobbies seem to include

  • reading
  • sleeping
  • computers
  • irc
  • Dungeons and Dragons

Well, that's all. go away now.

1? Wuzzle is in fact perhaps GerardSharp's real name, we're not sure. He claims he got the nick by a former GirlFriend?, but won't explain why (and we aren't asking).


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