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"Nuzzle the Wuzzle!"
The first time I logged into Toontown BBS, I was beset by the SysOp, one CraigBox (CRiGGiE. The guilty know who they are). After a long and almost amusing conversation, he commandeered my keyboard and set my first-ever d:CAF message, which is pretty much summed up above.

Since then, I've moved to Hamilton, done the whole WaikatoUniversity "Education" thing. Yes, I was a LazyStudent.
Now I'm in The RealWorld WorkForce, making little pieces of paper, which I spend on electronic gadgets; and making the world a worse place.

On irc or icq, I have the handle Wuzzle; but in The RealWorld, I use my actual name, GerardSharp.

  • This is all lies btw, most people in the RealWorld don't even know Wuzzles real name, including one or two of his Uni lecturers !! -- JamieCurtis

My hobbies seem to include

  • reading
  • sleeping
  • computers
  • irc
  • Dungeons and Dragons

Well, that's all. go away now.

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