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Ah, welcome to the fun that is trying to figure out exactly what Fedora is1?.

Fedora was a community project to build high-quality 3rd party RPMs for RedHatLinux. They packaged a lot of stuff that RedHat wouldn't, couldn't, or didn't. When Red Hat decided to become more community based to separate themselves from their commercial RedHatEnterpriseLinux distribution, they merged with the Fedora Linux Project to become the FedoraProject. The old Fedora Linux Project website 2? is is now the home of the FedoraExtras project.

Fedora is also a digital library framework, which preceeds the use of the name by RedHat. See However, please note that the hat also had the name first.

1? A Fedora is... |^ ...a type of hat. This hat is a fedora.

This too is a fedora.

As is this.

You can even buy an official Red Hat Fedora.

2? They're cool for using a .us domain instead of an international one and then claiming that America == The World, like NetworkSolutions once did.


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