Blame: ElectionNightDrinkingGame
Annotated edit history of ElectionNightDrinkingGame version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 GreigMcGill 1 OK...a game to be played on election night (duh), and involving lots of drinking (double-duh).
6 GreigMcGill 3 The Rules:
1 GreigMcGill 4
3 DanielLawson 5 1. InternationalDrinkingRules shall apply! :)
1 GreigMcGill 6
7 2. All parties present shall select a "random issue" from the DrinkingHat. Whenever that issue is mentioned during commentary, the party assigned that issue must consume.
9 3. All parties shall be assigned a political figure, as above.
6 GreigMcGill 11 4. The first person to consume by the rules above shall don the DrinkingHat. Thereafter, the wearer of the DrinkingHat shall consume for his own sins, and also those of the other parties present! That is, anyone taking a drink for any "in-game" reason (not just because they chose to) must be mirrored by the wearer of the DrinkingHat. The DrinkingHat may pass by consensus to anyone failing to consume for their sins who is called for this by any other player. It may also pass for violations of the following special rules.
1 GreigMcGill 12
13 5. If WinstonPeters appears onscreen, all present must perform the "speak no evil" sign. Last to do so gets the DrinkingHat.
6 GreigMcGill 15 6. If [HelenClark|] appears onscreen, all present must perform the "see no evil" sign. Last to do so gets the DrinkingHat.
1 GreigMcGill 16
6 GreigMcGill 17 7. If [MichaelCullen|] appears onscreen, all present must perform the "hear no evil" sign. Last to do so gets the DrinkingHat.
1 GreigMcGill 18
19 8. If NandorTanczos appears onscreen, all present must "toke up". Last to do so gets the DrinkingHat.
6 GreigMcGill 20
21 9. Whenever the following electorates are mentioned, all Issues pass to the left, and all Politicians pass to the right; [Hamilton East|], [Hamilton West|], [Epsom|], [Tauranga|]. If that electorate is under sustained discussion, only the first mention shall count.
7 DanielLawson 23 10. A communal when Kenneth Wang appears on screen.
25 11. Last one standing gets to be Prime Minister! ;)
5 GreigMcGill 26
27 -----
6 GreigMcGill 29 Additional "social" drinks can be added as the festivities progresses, as the participants see fit.