Annotated edit history of DynamicDNS version 7, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 DanielLawson 1 A [DynamicDNS] service allows you to host a DomainName on your dynamically changing IP.
1 AaronMartin 2
5 DanielLawson 3 Most dial-up internet connections, and some 'BroadBand' *cough cough* connections such as [TelecomNZ]'s [JetStream] (for residential users) are assigned a dynamic IP address, that is every time you connect to the internet your IP address will change.
1 AaronMartin 4
2 CraigBox 5 This makes it practically impossible to host any form of server i.e. mail web or game, and means that if for example you wanted to host a HalfLife game server for your friends you would have to tell them your new IP address each time.
1 AaronMartin 6
2 CraigBox 7 With DynamicDNS, you can have a DomainName pointing at your server so that your friends can just connect to the same address every time. There are many free DynamicDNS services out there, which will give you [DomainName]s that consist of their DomainName with a name that you choose appended to the front, i.e. There are also commercial providers that will let you use your own DomainName (i.e. for a small fee.
1 AaronMartin 8
9 Some examples of free DynamicDNS providers are:
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6 AristotlePagaltzis 15 Some examples of commercial DynamicDNS providers (trying to avoid a FlameWar):
1 AaronMartin 16
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7 RobertAdams 18
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  • RobertAdams
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PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

lib/blame.php (In template 'html'):177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

lib/plugin/WlugLicense.php (In template 'html'):99: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

lib/plugin/WlugLicense.php (In template 'html'):111: Warning: in_array() [<a href=''></a>]: Wrong datatype for second argument