Annotated edit history of CommonLisp version 10, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
10 GeoffCant 1 Common Lisp aka ANSI Standard X3J13. A popular [LISP] dialect. Most implementations compile to native code. Very few are purely interpreted or byte compiled.
3 Get started in Common Lisp with [].
6 GlynWebster 4
5 Two unique things that make Common Lisp tempting, if you can get over the funny syntax:
6 *__The Common Lisp Object System__. Common Lisp appears to be the only language in common use that has [multiple dispatch |].
7 *__Macros__: with these you can create and use code generators and custom control structures with little fuss.
7 AristotlePagaltzis 8
9 ''[Perl]6 is stealing them both. :) Although it won't likely be here for a few years yet. In fact multiple dispatch is already possible in [Perl]5, though not available natively - as always, a stroll through [CPAN] is helpful. --AristotlePagaltzis''
6 GlynWebster 10
11 Quote from Paul Graham's little essay ''[What Made Lisp Different |]'':
13 ;: ''9. The whole language always available. There is no real distinction between read-time, compile-time, and runtime. You can compile or run code while reading, read or run code while compiling, and read or compile code at runtime.''
15 ;: ''Running code at read-time lets users reprogram Lisp's syntax; running code at compile-time is the basis of macros; compiling at runtime is the basis of Lisp's use as an extension language in programs like Emacs; and reading at runtime enables programs to communicate using s-expressions, an idea recently reinvented as XML.''
17 !!Resources
18 * Websites
19 ** [] -- Common Lisp [Wiki | WikiWikiWeb]
9 GeoffCant 20 ** [] -- ''The Common Lisp !HyperSpec'' (the entire CL specification)
6 GlynWebster 21 ** [] -- Association of Lisp Users
8 GeoffCant 22 ** [] -- Common Lisp sourceforge analogue
6 GlynWebster 23 * Books
9 GeoffCant 24 ** [] -- Practical Common Lisp. This is a great book for new CommonLispniks.
6 GlynWebster 25 ** [] -- ''On Lisp'' by Paul Graham
26 ** [] -- ''Successful Lisp'' by David Lamkins
27 * Implementations
8 GeoffCant 28 ** Free
29 *** [CMUCL] -- Carnegie Mellon University Common Lisp
30 *** [SBCL] -- Steel Bank Common Lisp (favourite lisp compiler of GeoffCant)
31 *** [OpenMCL] -- Free derivative of Macintosh Common Lisp
32 ** Non-Free
33 *** [ACL] -- Franz Allegro Common Lisp
34 *** [LW] -- Xanalys Lisp Works
35 *** [Genera] -- Symbolics Open Genera
36 * Getting Started
10 GeoffCant 37 ** []
9 GeoffCant 38 ** Get a recentish copy of [SBCL] or [CMUCL] and CVS [SLIME] (setup as per [])
8 GeoffCant 39 ** Do not be fooled into using [ILISP] :)
9 GeoffCant 40 ** Hop on #lisp !
41 ** Start reading []
6 GlynWebster 42 * IRC
43 ** #lisp on
8 GeoffCant 44 * Usenet
45 ** nntp://comp.lang.lisp

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