Committee meeting before the regular meeting / film viewing.
- Release party on Saturday May 1st
- SFD in September
- Plan for future meetings
Meeting opened 6:40
Present: John, Bruce, Ronnie, Rod
Treasurers report:
- $468 in bank, $266 p/c, total of $734
SFD Centerplace
- cost of 2x tables, John to enquire
- Still need to sort out sponsorship
- more work on how we can get SFD-day visitors to become linux-using WLUG members.
Lucid Lynx Launch party: Sat May 1st
- Chips, dip, sausage rolls, oranges, Lollies, Bruce has $50 budget from p/c
- leaflet drop, Bruce and Rod
6 books have been requested from O'Reilly
- Learning Perl
- Ubuntu Up And Running
- Version Control w/ Git
- The Ruby Programming Language
- Mastering Regular Expressions
- ??? something else
Meeting closed 7:25