
Committee meeting, location yet to be decided.


followup to SFD, things we got right and need to do again, things we got wrong and need to improve on. Graham has made some excellent suggestions for how we can do the event next year which we should discuss.

Someone can count up the feedback results (Chris?)

Someone else can do the writeup on (John?)

Desperate need to get more students involved in WLUG.

The "annual" WlugSurvey needs to be done again.

Meeting Minutes

LizQuilty place opened 1950


JohnBillings RodAldridge BruceKingsbury ChrisOhalloran RonnieCollinson LizQuilty PaulQuilty

Review of last committee meeting

John/Liz approved minutes carried

Treasurers Report


Total $1060

Cost to WLUG was $560

Software Freedom Day review

Advertising $440 Trust Waikato

Newspaper advertising not effective unless with an article. 4 people came to SFD because of newspaper advertising. Fairly low return. Most people attended because of friend or relative.

Total bank account $400

Graeme Lauder.

Need to get more companies on board for that type of event

Next years event.

Perhaps in a mall as a low key event with less resources

Sponsorship might be able to cover mall costs

Write up.

Attract Students.

Probably next year with exams, not so good coming into end of year

ReRap? - Maybe for O week.

O-week. March 2010.

Annual WLUG Survey


Proposed Changes

Server administrator as a Committee position.

AGM discussion.

Orcon contribution - acknowledge contribution useful for sponsorship.

Server Maintenance

DanielLawson or John McPherson?

Prep two blades locally then take up to Auckland.

Liase with Daniel when at Orcon datacentre.

Possible Useful Presentations

  1. Shane-Velocity Networks - uni presentation
  2. Michael Doerner JohnBillings will contact Michael

Meeting closed 2103