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Previous meeting: [CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-03-30] CommitteeMeetingTopicsJames' place 31 Aberfoyle Street. 7:30 #Opened 19:45 ##Present: LizQuilty, BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, JamesPluck, ChrisOHalloran, BryceUtting, JohnBillings # Previous Minutes ##Accepted (moved: JamesPluck seconded: LizQuilty) # Treasurers report ##$1015 Balance # Correspondence ##3 membership forms submitted # General business ##Server Status The servers will need to be upgraded to Debian Lenny. Who controls the DNS? ##Upcoming Presentations Kete, digital archiving Smita Biswas - Rae McCormick April 27th To invite speaker/developer and pay some costs BryceUtting LizQuilty Intro to Linux/Open Office workshops: JohnBillings and BruceKingsbury Bruce working on OpenOffice training and possibly Intro to Linux later on, John and Liz would offer support ##Lightwire Metacafe as option for uploading evening presentation. Gives users outside the club the presentation. Links both ways could lead to advertising revenue. Silverstripe all an option. LizQuilty Cameras from the Wand group. BryceUtting General consensus was that an access point would be good ##O'Reilly Books Promoting books for reviews ##JohnBillings looking to host a show on community radio, focusing on Creative Commons. Initial discussion about wlug sponsorship Motion to donate $20 to Methodist centre JamesPluck:BryceUtting #Thank you letters General intention to send thank you letters and a nominal gift ($20) to each presenter. Janet Leggett Thank you letter. ChrisOHalloran. Donate to 2020 #WlugSurvey recommendation link to WlugSurvey http://www.wlug.org.nz/WlugSurvey ##No new business raised. #Meeting closed at 21:00 Next committee meeting: [CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-05-04] CommitteeMeetingTopics [CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-01-19]
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