Diff: CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-01-19

Differences between version 2 and previous revision of CommitteeMeetingTopics.2009-01-19.

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Newer page: version 2 Last edited on Monday, January 19, 2009 8:49:19 pm by JamesPluck Revert
Older page: version 1 Last edited on Monday, January 19, 2009 7:52:08 pm by BruceKingsbury Revert
@@ -1,11 +1,40 @@
 James' place 31 Aberfoyle Street. 7:30 
+Opened 19:45  
+Present: LizQuilty, BruceKingsbury, RodAldridge, JamesPluck  
+Apology: JohnBillings  
+Absent: ChrisOHalloran, BryceUtting  
 # Previous Minutes 
+Accepted (BruceKingsury, LizQuilty)  
 # Treasurers report 
+(Treasurer at Linux Conf. No report)  
 # Correspondence 
 # Matters 
 ## room bookings for 2009. Some restrictions this year due to reduced funding in CS, we can only use rooms that CS get for free.. 
-## IdeasForFutureMeetings - If Sunday falls through I think Graham owes us a presentation. ;-) LTSP perhaps, or migrating businesses from 'doze to 'nix 
+###BruceKingsbury to discuss options with Sally-JoCunningham around access to the CompSci department's available rooms.  
+ ## IdeasForFutureMeetings - If Sunday falls through (Editor: Fell Through - past Tense) I think Graham owes us a presentation. ;-) Linux Terminal Server Project ( LTSP) perhaps, or migrating businesses from 'doze to 'nix  
+### LizQuilty to talk to Aaron (WAND Group) about giving a presentation on some of their latest "Ooo Shiny" projects.  
+### LizQuilty also suggested talking to local businesses and getting them to talk to WLUG about how they use Linux/FOSS in their businesses. This will give a twofold bonus - The business will get to promote itself to a receptive audience in their target market and WLUG gets some interesting speakers. (BruceKingsbury suggested we also ask said businesses if they would like to book a table at SFD).  
+### RodAldridge would like to see a presentation on virtualisation.  
+### Android - What is it? How does it work? What is it good for? Is it worth it.  
+### Zen  
+### Section 92A - Copyright Act - How does this affect FOSS, Linux and your average computer user. BruceKingsbury to approach AlexKing to see if he is willing to help with this topic.  
+### Cloud computing and the battle for the next user interface.  
 # Server status 
 ## undoing's pagerank dilution without upsetting anyone or breaking existing links and bookmarks. Can we wrap the content in a frame so google sees wlug as the source and is still in the address bar? redirect? something else? 
+###LizQuilty suggested The use of a frame with the content of the frame containing a redirect to the equivalent address should work well. LizQuilty to discuss solution with PerryLorier  
 # General business 
+No new business raised.  
+Meeting closed at 20:45