
WLUG Executive Committee Meeting

23 June 2004

Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7:10pm.

Present: Daniel, Craig B, John, Matt, Jamie, Greig, Phil, Perry
Apologies: Craig M

1. Minutes from previous meeting

Motion: that the minutes are a true and accurate record of the previous meeting

Moved: Daniel
Seconded: Phil

Motion passed

2. Treasurer's Report

Due to the absence of the treasurer, no report was presented.

3. Correspondence

Daniel and Matt met with Ted Zorn of the Waikato 2020 Trust. Our two groups will swap members at upcoming meetings to properly become acquainted.

4. Taxation

The WLUG now have an IRD number.

We have been sent tax returns for 2003 and 2004 years. Craig B is trying to contact the IRD to become tax exempt but they completely fail to produce the IR254 booklet that is required. A non-profit rebate of $1000 is offered; Craig is going to look into become a non profit organisation.

5. General Business

  • The meeting reminder bot will be fixed by the next meeting.
  • Meetings need to be organised more in advance, particularly with respect to their venue. We would like to see all meetings at the same venue if a suitable venue can be arranged; proposed locations are:

    • Gateway Christian Centre (Lindsay has offered, Craig to chase up)
    • Gardens Pavilion (Phil to visit/talk to Council)
    • University Performing Arts Centre (Jamie to chase up)

Legislation against spam document is being formed to be presented at the upcoming WLUG meeting, signed and submitted by the 30th.

Jamie has proposed drafting an open letter to candidates in upcoming local body and national elections, sourcing their opinion on issues relating to the WLUG's charter, eg.

  • Microsoft licensing for schools
  • Regulating ISP peering
  • Promoting open standards

John is upgrading the wiki to the new release; we will contact the PhpWiki developers and ask to be added to the InterWikiMap. Wiki crash bugs are being investigated by the Hoiho admins.

Meeting closed at 8:00pm.
