Annotated edit history of ClamAvNotes version 13, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
10 AristotlePagaltzis 1 !!! <tt>clamd</tt> dies at morning maintenance, Debian Woody (0.60-10, backported)
7 JorgeGodoy 2
10 AristotlePagaltzis 3 Sometimes, <tt>clamd</tt> dies during its morning maintenance. I've not found any rhyme or reason to this, however it's a pain for me as I use exim4 + exiscan, and this will stop delivering mail if it can't talk to its [Virus]scanner. My current workaround: A crontab(5) script that checks to see if the socket is writeable, and stops and starts <tt>clamd</tt> if not.
7 JorgeGodoy 4
10 AristotlePagaltzis 5 <verbatim>
6 # cat /etc/cron.d/check-clamd
7 TESTFILE="/var/run/clamd.ctl"
7 JorgeGodoy 8
10 AristotlePagaltzis 9 * * * * * root [ -w $TESTFILE ] || \
10 (/etc/init.d/clamav-daemon stop; \
11 /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start)
12 </verbatim>
11 JohnMcPherson 13
7 JorgeGodoy 14
10 AristotlePagaltzis 15 I know this isn't the prettiest, but I don't have time to track down ''why'' its dying just yet. -- DanielLawson
7 JorgeGodoy 16
10 AristotlePagaltzis 17 A similar script is available at and in the <tt>contrib/clamdwatch</tt> directory.
7 JorgeGodoy 18
10 AristotlePagaltzis 19 !!! <tt>clamdscan</tt> can't read files (when run from Amavis or some other scanner)
7 JorgeGodoy 20
10 AristotlePagaltzis 21 <verbatim>
22 Jun 9 10:21:02 firewall amavis[17934]: (17934-02) Clam Antivirus-clamd FAILED -
23 unknown status: /var/lib/amavis/amavis-msg-id/parts: Can't access the file ERROR
24 </verbatim>
7 JorgeGodoy 25
10 AristotlePagaltzis 26 [ClamAV] runs as the <tt>clamav</tt> user (on [Debian]/Woody anyway), and when Amavis unpacks its email for scanning as the <tt>amavis</tt> user. Add <tt>clamav</tt> to the <tt>amavis</tt> group, and restart <tt>clamd</tt>.
7 JorgeGodoy 27
10 AristotlePagaltzis 28 Another way around this is to run <tt>clamd</tt> and <tt>amavis</tt> as the same user. Apparently this change needs to be made for Conectiva Linux.
7 JorgeGodoy 29
10 AristotlePagaltzis 30 This worked on [Debian] with Exim4-daemon-heavy and clamav:
7 JorgeGodoy 31
10 AristotlePagaltzis 32 * Find the user [Exim] runs as using <tt>exim -bP exim_user</tt>, in my case <tt>Debian_exim</tt>.
33 * Edit <tt>/etc/clamav/clamav.conf</tt> to change its user to <tt>Debian_exim</tt>.
34 * Allow <tt>Debian_exim</tt> access to [ClamAV]'s files: <tt>adduser Debian_exim clamav</tt>
35 * Allow [ClamAV] to save its [PID] file: <tt>chmod g+w /var/run/clamav</tt>
7 JorgeGodoy 36
37 ----
38 CategoryMailNotes
The following authors of this page have not agreed to the WlugWikiLicense. As such copyright to all content on this page is retained by the original authors.
  • JorgeGodoy
  • MarcoVanDenHout
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