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Acronym for Canterbury Linux Users Group

This is a non-formalised grouping of people who identify with (some of) the Linux kernel, the GNU project, Open Source software, and the Canterbury region of New Zealand. The interests of the members are varied but the focus of the group can probably be gleaned from the answer to the question "What is on topic?" in the CLUG FAQ.

Despite an active mailing list and a history of regular meetings (generally in Christchurch), CLUG has no formal membership, and operates on a volunteer basis. See ThereIsNoCLUG for some history and explanation.

We also have a MailingList. Send an email to with subscribe linux-users in the body of the message to subscribe, and with unsubscribe linux-users to, uh, unsubscribe. You can post your suggested essay examples on the list using the address when you're subscribed.

CLUG Resources

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