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A game and 3d-engine being developed by SamJansen and JesseBaker.

Currently it works a little more like a QuakeIII level viewer than anything else. Basically, SamJansen wrote a QuakeIII level importer so the development process had decent size & quality levels to work with. The levels aren't rendered entirely, certain things are missing (mainly animated textures and the like).

A basic feature list follows:

  • OpenGL and Direct3D rendering.
  • VFS (virtual file system) that support compressed (gzip) and uncompressed files in the BuNg archive file format.
  • MD2 model loading and animation.
  • OO design allowing for the possibilities of a Direct3D renderer (done!) and Linux support (done!).
  • Octree-based level with view-frustum culling.
  • Basic Quake 3 level exporter to convert from BSP files to BuNg level files.
  • Texture-mapped text output.
  • Random image displayed on the loading screen.
  • Collision detection courtesy of the Opcode collision detection library (with custom code to cache the information on disk).
  • Collision response to allow the player to slide along walls and climb up stairs. (Still somewhat buggy)
  • Very, very basic networking.
  • The beginnings of MD3 model support.
  • Custom XML parser and XML files used for configuration.
  • The beginnings of scripting via Lua.

An old mirror of screenshots/information can be found at

A newer page is in development at

Though the project has mainly been coded in MicrosoftWindows with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, it also works in Linux using SimpleDirectMediaLayer, or SDL.

There are a number of people finding this page through google mostly looking for information on collision detection using opcode, and how to read md3 models etc, perhaps you would like to describe your experiences with these things here for others benefit?