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A game and 3d-engine being developed by SamJansen and JesseBaker.

Currently it works a little more like a QuakeIII level viewer than anything else. Basically, SamJansen wrote a QuakeIII level importer so the development process had decent size & quality levels to work with. The levels aren't rendered entirely, certain things are missing (mainly animated textures and the like).

A basic feature list follows:

  • OpenGL and Direct3D rendering.
  • VFS (virtual file system) that support compressed (gzip) and uncompressed files in the BuNg archive file format.
  • MD2 model loading and animation.
  • OO design allowing for the possibilities of a Direct3D renderer (done!) and Linux support (done!).
  • Octree-based level with view-frustum culling.
  • Basic Quake 3 level exporter to convert from BSP files to BuNg level files.
  • Texture-mapped text output.
  • Random image displayed on the loading screen.
  • Collision detection courtesy of the Opcode collision detection library.
  • Collision response to allow the player to slide along walls and climb up stairs. (Still somewhat buggy)
  • Very, very basic networking.
  • The beginnings of MD3 model support.
  • Custom XML parser and XML files used for configuration.

There would be a link to our server with screenshots on it, but technical difficulties means that we currently don't have a DSL router which allows port forwarding (read: we only have an Ni500 at the moment).

Actually, I mirrored the page at

Though the project has mainly been coded in MicrosoftWindows with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, it also works in Linux using SimpleDirectMediaLayer, or SDL.