
Differences between version 6 and predecessor to the previous major change of BitKeeper.

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Newer page: version 6 Last edited on Saturday, December 25, 2004 6:51:40 pm by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 5 Last edited on Thursday, November 6, 2003 11:12:51 am by JohnMcPherson Revert
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
-BitKeeper is a RevisionControlSystem like [CVS]. From what I can gather it does things quite differently
+[ BitKeeper |] is the VersionControlSystem used for the LinuxKernel development since sometime around 2.4.13. Its major distinguishing characteristic is that it keeps distributed repositories, unlike the [CVS] model where everyone commits to the same machine
-''I believe it's quite different because CVS thinks about "per file" changes, where BitKeeper thinks about "changesets" -- PerryLorier''  
+It is not FreeSoftware that does some strange things like making all your changes/log files public unless you buy a commercial licence. (The idea is that OpenSource projects can use it without charge, but people who want to keep changes proprietary need to pay up.) I 'm not sure about the licence details, but I think it requires you to accept changes to the licence , and to use newer versions of the software.  
-Linus is now using BitKeeper for the kernel sources since sometime around 2.4.13  
-BitKeeper isn't FreeSoftware. It does some strange things; for example, it will make all your changes/log files public, unless you buy a commercial licence (the idea being that open source software can use it without charge, but people who want to keep changes proprietary need to pay $$). I'm not sure about the licence details, but I think it requires you to accept changes to the licence, and to use newer versions of the software.  
- Another contentious issue is that they changed their licence so that people could not use it who are working on a competing product, for example , SubVersion . There has (IMHO quite rightly) been a lot of anger over this move.  
-More information [here|].  
+Another contentious issue is that they changed their licence so that people working on a competing product, eg SubVersion , cannot use it . There has been a lot of anger over this move, probably rightly