Annotated edit history of BackLinks version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 The PhpWiki programming team 1 The contents of all pages are searched to find links to the current page. The BackLinks function also answers the question: "Which pages contain the title of this page?".
2 AristotlePagaltzis 2
3 <?plugin BackLinks page ?>
1 The PhpWiki programming team 5 ----
2 AristotlePagaltzis 6
7 Such a list can be embedded on any page by using the BackLinks WikiPlugin. It accepts the following parameters:''''
9 <tt>exclude</tt>:
10 Comma-separated list of pages to exclude from the list <br><br>
11 <tt>include_self</tt>:
12 Boolean (default 1), whether to include the current page in the list of pages, if it links to itself. <br><br>
13 <tt>noheader</tt>:
14 Boolean (default 0), whether to display the "X pages link to ~SomePage" header <br><br>
15 <tt>page</tt>:
16 Page whose BackLinks should be shown; defaults to the current page <br><br>
17 <tt>info</tt>:
18 ?