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This page tells you how to resolve problems in some applications if you receive strange/weird error messages or conditions. !! Various sound applications under [GNOME] 2.x ([GStreamer]) [GNOME] 2 has moved to using the [GStreamer] for audio processing, including recording and playback. Some applications may say things like:'''' <verbatim> GStreamer-ERROR **: No default scheduler name - do you have a registry ? aborting... </verbatim> Or:'''' <verbatim> Failed to create the player: Couldn't initialize scheduler. Did you run gst-register? </verbatim> The answer is to run the command <tt>gst-register-0.8</tt> under your normal user account. If you have installed both [GStreamer] 0.8 and 0.9, or have run <tt>gst-register-0.8</tt> as both root and yourself, delete the configuration files created by [GStreamer] in <tt>root</tt>’s and your home directory, and re-run <tt>gst-register-0.8</tt> (probably similar for 0.9) __only__ as root and try to start Rhythmbox again. !! tar(1) <verbatim> tar: Failed open to read on /dev/nrst0 <No such file or directory> </verbatim> You're using a [BSD]-derived tar(1), but using [GNU] tar(1) options. It got confused and is trying to use the default tape drive device. See PortabilityNotes for tar(1) option discussion. !! find(1) <verbatim> find: paths must precede expression Usage: find [path...] [expression] </verbatim> Your shell glob(s) matched files in the current path. Surround your expression with single or double quotes and it should work. !! See also * CommonErrors * [SSHErrors] * FunnyApplicationErrorMessages * ErrorMessages, for [POSIX]/libc error conditions ---- CategoryErrors
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