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The human

AndersGreen is a carbonbased bi-ped based in southern Sweden who is known on UnderNet as loucephyr or louie--. He's been seen WarDriving and GeoCaching, and lately he's been out WarWalking much and also known as a rabid user of *BSD and tries to run it on everything with a powercord. The days are spent working at the digital department of Swedens largest portraitphoto-lab petting the servers.

have you tried running it on a toaster? -- AlastairPorter
I have no toaster, and my fryingpan is cordless :) -- AndersGreen


include or included (in no conceiveble order):


  • He's involved in the JWMP project.
  • Planning a automated, carbased WarDriving rig for his Honda Prelude.
  • A prolonged van equiped for wardriving.
  • Find some good use for his Fujitsu Stylus 3400 pen-computer.


His network was once a part of MetaNet but since the linux-only version he's been offline waiting for either a BSD port or linux-router magicly appear on his doorstep.

hey, we have a semifunctional FreeBSD port -- PerryLorier
talk is cheap, show me the code! ;) -- AndersGreen


Sometimes he enters a state of wikifrenzy where he keeps adding pages until there are no more irritating little questionmark icon. This tend to flood the RecentEdits page tho, for wich he's wery sorry.

He has a cat called Sauron who likes to wake him up by lying on him during the night and demanding some attention.

Read more at his 'homepage'

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