Annotated edit history of AccPac version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 RobertCampbell 1 [Accpac|] (an [Acronym] for "Accounting Package", I'd assume) is a software company with the following areas of expertise:
1 CraigBox 2
3 * Accounting
4 * Manufacturing
5 * Point of Sale
6 * EDI
7 * E-Commerce
8 * [CRM]
9 * HR Management
10 * Warehouse Management
11 * Voice and Fax Networking
5 RobertCampbell 13 Accpac has been purchased by Sage Software Group.
15 The Accpac Advantage Series is one of the first mid-market accounting applications to support deployment on both Linux servers and Linux desktops.
6 RobertCampbell 17 There is a [US Sage Accpac ERP vendor|] pushing Accpac on Linux. They also have a [NZ vendor|] who are aggressively pushing Accpac software on Linux.
4 GerwinVanDeSteeg 18 The technical support for the Windows version is done by [KPMG|]. Also note, that the Windows version can run quite happily with 20-40 MB of RAM usage, so if being run with the use of thin clients can put a heavy load on a server. (Never mind it's SQL backend can also chew up a good 300+MB of RAM)
1 CraigBox 19
3 AlastairPorter 20 See [MeetingTopics.2003-11-24].