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A Political party in NewZealand. Their current leader is RodneyHide. From their website:

"ACT stands for individual freedom and choice, personal responsibility and the protection of the life, liberty and property of each and every citizen.

ACT is dedicated to enabling New Zealanders to have more opportunities and choices in their own lives. We promote political and economic freedom, strong families and communities, smaller government, and greater empowerment of individuals."

GreigMcGill shares this philosophy, and believes it is a great fit for OpenSource software.

GianPerrone does not, and believes that the lack of individual control over OpenSource software is incompatible with the fully-privatised, free market politics of ACT.

LindsayDruett is not convinced by any Member of Parliment, or their respective parties they represent - The Thunderbirds, Stingray, and Joe 90 are more convincing as puppets to him.

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