
Differences between current version and predecessor to the previous major change of WorkForce.

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Newer page: version 4 Last edited on Thursday, March 31, 2005 7:53:47 pm by CraigBox
Older page: version 3 Last edited on Thursday, March 31, 2005 1:18:33 am by MattBrown Revert
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-As a student , I 'd like to point out that I pay exactly as much tax on my income as everyone else; that I don 't get my education provided by anyone but myself, but if my parents had paid, it would be with income that they had paid tax on as well . I have the right to sleep in till 12pm if I want . -- CraigBox  
+Those that work for their money , generally outside of the secluded 'not real ' educational environment provided by the university . They pay taxes to keep students in the lifestyle of which they are accustomed
-I have been a LazyStudent in the past, and paid my own way through uni and am proud of it as I never got a cent from the government. I honestly think student allowances should be for everyone who is studying who is deemed to have earnt it. However its too late for me, and i still pay too much tax to support those LazyStudents who think its their right to spend other peoples money as they drink too much alcohol and fail classes.  
- -- KyleCarter  
-Those that work for their money , generally outside of the secluded 'not real' educational environment provided by the university . They pay taxes to keep students in the lifestyle of which they are accustomed
+When I was a student , I wanted to point out that I paid exactly as much tax on my income as everyone else; that I didn 't get my education provided by anyone but myself, but if my parents had paid, it would have be with income that they had paid tax on as well . And that gave me the right to sleep in till 12pm if I wanted . Which begs the question, now I have a degree and a job, has my opinion changed? -- CraigBox  
-Some LazyStudents and some members of the workforce come for GeekLunchOnWednesdays
+I have been a LazyStudent in the past, and paid my own way through uni and am proud of it as I never got a cent from the government. I honestly think student allowances should be for everyone who is studying who is deemed to have earnt it. However its too late for me, and i still pay too much tax to support those LazyStudents who think its their right to spend other peoples money as they drink too much alcohol and fail classes .  
+-- KyleCarter