Annotated edit history of urpmi version 6, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
5 AristotlePagaltzis 1 [urpmi |] is [Mandriva]'s PackageManagementTool. It's a dependency-resolving front-end to [RPM].
1 PeterHewett 2
5 AristotlePagaltzis 3 You need to configure urpmi on your machine to point to the package repositories you want to use. An easy way to do this is with [easyurpmi |]. Make sure when configuring sources, you match the exact version of [Mandriva] that you are using.
1 PeterHewett 4
5 There are different types of sources.
5 AristotlePagaltzis 6
7 <tt>main</tt>:
8 The main distribution's packages
9 <tt>updates</tt>:
10 Updates to packages in <tt>main</tt>
11 <tt>contrib</tt>:
12 Other packages contributed to this version
13 <tt>plf-free</tt>:
6 PeterHewett 14 Packages from the [Penguin Liberation Front|], which are generally absent from <tt>main</tt> for legal reasons
5 AristotlePagaltzis 15 <tt>plf-nonfree</tt>:
16 Non-[Free] packages from PLF
17 <tt>jpackage</tt>:
18 [Java] packages for [Linux]
20 See also:
21 * [URPMI tutorial |]
22 * [URPMI resources |]