upsset.cgi - Web-based UPS administration program
As a CGI program, this should be invoked through your web server. If you run it from the command line, it will sit there until you give it input resembling a POST request.
upsset.cgi lets you access many administrative functions within the UPS software from your web browser. You can change settings and invoke instant commands where available.
Some UPS hardware allows you to change certain variables to other values. To see what's available, pick a UPS from the chooser and select
You should see a list of items with the descriptions on the left side and the possible options or input spaces on the right. After changing something, be sure to
If your UPS doesn't support any read/write variables, there will be nothing to do on this page.
Setting values in read/write variables can also be done from the command line with upsct2(8).
Some UPS hardware also has provisions for performing certain actions at the user's command. These include battery tests, battery calibration, front panel tests (beep!) and more. To access this section, do as above, but pick
If your UPS supports any instant commands, they will be listed in a chooser widget. Pick the one you like and
Note - some dangerous commands like
To actually turn off the load, you have to send the command once, then send it again after 3 seconds elapse but before 15 seconds pass. If you do it too quickly or slowly, you have to wait at least 3 seconds but not 15 seconds again.
You can also invoke instant commands from the command line with upscmd(8).
upsset will only talk to upsd(8) servers that have been defined in your hosts.conf(8)?. If it complains about __
upsset will not run until you convince it that your CGI directory has been secured. This is due to the possibility of someone using upsset to try password combinations against your upsd(8) server.
See the example upsset.conf file for more information on how you do this. The short explanation is - if you can't lock it down, don't try to run it.
Internet resources:
The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page:
NUT mailing list archives and information:
5 pages link to upsset.cgi(8):