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[pgpewrap] is a program included in the [Mutt] email client package that has neither a manpage nor __--help__ or __-h__ screens. The only documentation is a brief mention in the __PGP-Notes.txt__ file in the mutt documentation: ;: This is a little C program which does some command line munging: The first argument is a command to be executed. When pgpewrap encounters a __--__ (dash-dash) argument, it will interpret the next argument as a prefix which is put in front of all following arguments. ;: Example: pgpewrap pgpe file -- -r a b c ;: will execute: pgpe file -r a -r b -r c ;: This script is needed with PGP 5 and with GPG, since their command line interfaces can't be properly served by mutt's format mechanism. You need this for multiple recipients because [GPG] needs __-r__ to for each of them, while [Mutt] can only output them as a single list, such as __key1 key2 key3__. [pgpewrap] is used to fix the command line for [GPG] so that __-- -r key1 key2 key3__ becomes __-r key1 -r key2 -r key3__.
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