Annotated edit history of man2html version 2, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 DrewBroadley 1 !!NAME
3 man2html - Manpage to [HTML] Converter
2 CraigBox 7 __man2html__ is a [Perl] program to convert formatted nroff output to [HTML].
1 DrewBroadley 8
2 CraigBox 11 Usage: $PROG [[ options ] < infile > outfile
1 DrewBroadley 12
13 Options:
2 CraigBox 14 ; -bare : Do not put in HTML, HEAD, BODY tags
15 ; -belem <elem> : HTML Element for overstriked text (def: "B")
16 ; -botm <#> : Number of lines for bottom margin (def: 7)
17 ; -cgiurl <url> : URL for linking to other manpages
18 ; -cgiurlexp <url> : Perl expression URL for linking to other manpages
19 ; -compress : Compress consective blank lines
20 ; -headmap <file> : Filename of user section head map file
21 ; -help : This message
22 ; -k : Process a keyword search result
23 ; -leftm <#> : Character width of left margin (def: 0)
24 ; -nodepage : Do not remove pagination lines
25 ; -noheads : Turn off section head detection
26 ; -pgsize <#> : Number of lines in a page (def: 66)
27 ; -seealso : Link to other manpages only in the SEE ALSO section
28 ; -solaris : Process keyword search result in Solaris format
29 ; -sun : Section heads are not overstriked in input
30 ; -title <string> : Title of manpage (def: Not defined)
31 ; -topm <#> : Number of lines for top margin (def: 7)
32 ; -uelem <elem> : HTML Element for underlined text (def: "I")
1 DrewBroadley 33
36 Earl Hood,

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 7 times)