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!! Project Plan With my laptop, I was constantly going from work in PalmerstonNorth to home to work in [Wellington] as well as friends places and then I had two interfaces (Wireless and LAN) that would be connected. I was getting sick of problems with [DNS] hosts not working when I was local and the servers were now only accessible from internal [IP] with the [DMZ] setup. So I have set up this simple hack system (I will develop it further if there is interest). !! Backend Gets network interfaces, checks active, sets __/etc/resolve.conf__ and __/etc/hosts(5)__ according to network. Written in [Perl]. !! Author DrewBroadley !! [CVS] http://cvs.corrupt.co.nz/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/ifconfigd/ ---- ''That is rather ugly Perl.. particularly your abuse of backticks makes me twitch. :-/ Also, why have a daemon sit there and wait for a file to change if you're going to use helper processes to update the file? Just have the helpers invoke (or indeed, ''be'') the main update script.'' --AristotlePagaltzis ''Well this was written in a night with the most lazy perl style I have ever used :P I have slowly been re-writing it to make it much MUCH pretty and much more functional, apologies about the ugliness.'' --DrewBroadley
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