undocumented - No manpage for this program, utility or function.
This program, utility or function does not
have a useful manpage. Please do not report this as a
bug, because this has already been reported as a bug; when a
manpage becomes available it will be included, and the bug
report closed http://www.debian.org/Bugs/
contact the package maintainer in order
to avoid several people working on the same
Try the following options if you want more information.
foo --help, foo -h, foo -?
info foo
whatis foo, apropos foo
check directories /usr/share/doc/foo, /usr/lib/foo
dpkg --listfiles foo, dpkg --search foo
locate 'foo'
find / -name 'foo'
The documentation might be in a package starting with the same name as the package the software belongs to, but ending with -doc or -docs.
If you still didn't find the information you are looking for you might consider posting a call for help to debian-user@lists.debian.org.
info(1), whatis(1), apropos(1), dpkg(1), locate(1), find(1), updatedb(1), undocumented(2).
Erick Branderhorst
Kai Henningsen, Ian Jackson, David H. Silber, Carl Streeter.
One page links to guile-wm-menu-launch(1):