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GROFF_TMAC !!!GROFF_TMAC NAME DESCRIPTION NAMING INCLUSION CONVENTION WRITING A MACRO FILE FILES ENVIRONMENT BUGS AUTHOR SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME groff_tmac - macro files in the roff typesetting system !!DESCRIPTION The roff(7) type-setting system provides a set of macro packages suitable for special kinds of documents. Each macro package stores its macros and definitions in a file called the package's __tmac file__. The name is deduced from `__T__roff __MAC__ros'. The tmac files are normal roff source documents, except that they usually contain only definitions and setup commands, but no text. All tmac files are kept in a single or a small number of directories, the __tmac__ directories. !!NAMING In classical roff systems, there was a funny naming scheme. If the name of a macro package started with `m' this letter was omitted, e.g., the macro package for the man pages ''man'' was called ''an'' and its macro file ''tmac.an'' (note that in recent versions of groff this file is called ''an.tmac'' instead). By a similar reasoning, macro packages that did not start with an `m' were often referred to by adding an `m', e.g., the package corresponding to ''tmac.doc'' was called ''mdoc'' because the command-line for activating it reads __troff -m__''doc''. Actual versions of groff(1) provide both naming schemes for the inflicted macro packages, with and without the leading `m'. So in ''groff'', the ''man'' macro package may be specified as __groff -m__ ''man'',__ groff -m__''an'',__ groff -m__''man'', or__ groff -m__ ''an''. The easiest way to find out which macro packages are available on a system is to check the contents of the ''tmac'' directories. For example, a file called __tmac.__''anything'' or ''anything''__.tmac__ determines a macro package named ''anything''. In ''groff'', most macro packages are described in man pages called groff_(7), with a leading `m' for the classical packages. !!INCLUSION There are several ways to use a macro package in documents. At run-time, the groff option -m name makes the definitions in the macro file ''name''__.tmac__ available as described in the section __NAMING__. If this file isn't found, __tmac.__''name'' will be searched. It is also possible to include the macro file into the document by using the groff requests .so or .mso. For .so the full filename of the macro file must be specified -- including the directory where it is kept. If the macro file is stored in one of the tmac directories it is more convenient to use .mso instead because it searches the tmac path for the filename. Additionally, if the file name to be included has the form ''name''__.tmac__ and it isn't found, .mso will try to open __tmac.__''name'' instead and vice versa. Note that in order to resolve the .so and .mso requests the roff preprocessor soelim must be called if the files to be included needs preprocessing. This can be done either directly by a pipeline on the command line or by using the -s option of groff. You can also supply the letter `s' in the preprocessor word as described in section __CONVENTION__. For example, suppose a macro file is stored as ''/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/macros.tmac'' and is used in some document called ''docu.roff''. At run-time, the formatter call for this is groff -m macros docu.roff To include the macro file directly in the document either .mso macros.tmac is used or .so /usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/macros.tmac In both cases, the formatter is called with groff -s docu.roff !!CONVENTION There is a convention that is supported by many modern roff type-setters: the __preprocessor word__ described in the following. If the first line in a document is a comment, the first word (after the comment characters and a blank) constitutes the __preprocessor word__. That means that the letters of this word are interpreted as abbreviations for those preprocessor commands that should be run when formatting the document. Mostly, only the letters corresponding to the options for the preprocessors are recognized, `e', `G', `g', `p', `R', `s', and `t' (see roff(7)). Besides being a good reminder for the user, some formatters (like the man(1) program) are even able to automatically start the preprocessors specified in the preprocessor word, but do not bet on this. !!WRITING A MACRO FILE Writing a groff macro file is easy. Design a set of macros, strings, registers, etc. Store them in a single file. Documents that use the macros include this macro file with the .so request as described in the __INCLUSION__ section. To use the tmac functionality, call the macro file ''whatever''__.tmac__ (or __tmac.__''whatever'') and put it in some directory of the tmac path, cf. section __FILES__. Then documents can include it with the .mso request or the groff -m option as described in the __INCLUSION__ section. If your macros might be of general usage contact the groff maintainers to have them included in the groff ''contrib'' source directory. Some general guidelines might be helpful in writing macros. Double all functional backslashes, `' - All printable backslashes must be written as `e'. Escape all dots, `.' - Make ample use of the non-printable character ` Use the character `@' in temporary variable names. Test your macros for text and graphical devices, e.g., ''latin1'' and ''ps''. !!FILES All macro names must be named ''name''__.tmac__ or __tmac.__''name'' to use the tmac mechanism. The macro files are kept in the __tmac directories__, all of which constitute the __tmac path.__ The elements of the search path for macro files are (in that order): the directories specified with troff's resp. groff's __-M__ command line option the directories given in the __GROFF_TMAC_PATH__ environment variable the current directory (only if in unsafe mode using the __-U__ command line switch) the home directory a site-specific (platform-independent) directory, a platform-specific directory, and the main tmac directory: /usr/share/groff/site-tmac /usr/lib/groff/site-tmac /usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac !!ENVIRONMENT __GROFF_TMAC_PATH__ A colon separated list of additional tmac directories in which to search for macro files. See the previous section for a detailed description. !!BUGS The groff documentation is in evolution at the moment. It is possible that small inconsistencies between different documents exist temporarily. !!AUTHOR This document is part of groff, the GNU roff distribution. It was written by Bernd Warken It is distributed under the terms of the FDL (GNU Free Documentation License) version 1.1 or later. You should have received a copy of the FDL on your system, it is also available on-line under ''''. !!SEE ALSO The authoritative source of information for all details of the groff system is the groff info(1) file. For a groff overview, see roff(7) and the file ''README'' in the groff source package. The groff tmac macro packages are groff_man(7), groff_mwww(7), __groff_mdoc__(7), groff_mdoc.samples(7), __groff_me__(7), groff_mm(7), __groff_mmroff__(7), and groff_ms(7). The groff language is described in groff(7) and the formatters in groff(1), troff(1). The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is available at __http://www.pathname.com/fhs/__. ----
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