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GROFF_MS !!!GROFF_MS NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION FILES SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME groff_ms - groff ms macros !!SYNOPSIS __groff -ms__ [[ ''options''... ] [[ ''files''... ]__ groff -m ms__ [[ ''options''... ] [[ ''files''... ] !!DESCRIPTION This manual page describes the GNU version of the ms macros, which is part of the groff document formatting system. The groff ms macros are intended to be compatible with the documented behaviour of the 4.3 BSD Unix ms macros subject to the following limitations: the internals of groff ms are not similar to the internals of Unix ms and so documents that depend upon implementation details of Unix ms may well not work with groff ms; there is no support for typewriter-like devices; Berkeley localisms, in particular the __TM__ and __CT__ macros, are not implemented; groff ms does not provide cut marks; multiple line spacing is not allowed (use a larger vertical spacing instead); groff ms does not work in compatibility mode (eg with the __-C__ option); the error-handling policy of groff ms is to detect and report errors, rather than silently to ignore them. The groff ms macros make use of many features of GNU troff and therefore cannot be used with any other troff. Bell Labs localisms are not implemented in either the BSD ms macros or in the groff ms macros. Some Unix ms documentation says that the __CW__ and __GW__ number registers can be used to control the column width and gutter width respectively. This is not the case. These number registers are not used in groff ms. Macros that cause a reset set the indent. Macros that change the indent do not increment or decrement the indent, but rather set it absolutely. This can cause problems for documents that define additional macros of their own. The solution is to use not the __in__ request but instead the __RS__ and __RE__ macros. The number register __GS__ is set to 1 by the groff ms macros, but is not used by the Unix ms macros. It is intended that documents that need to determine whether they are being formatted with Unix ms or groff ms make use of this number register. Footnotes are implemented so that they can safely be used within keeps and displays. Automatically numbered footnotes within floating keeps are not recommended. It is safe to have another __**__ between a __**__ and the corresponding __.FS__; it is required only that each __.FS__ occur after the corresponding __**__ and that the occurrences of __.FS__ are in the same order as the corresponding occurrences of __**__. The strings __*{__ and __*}__ can be used to begin and end a superscript. Some Unix V10 ms features are implemented. The __B__, __I__ and __BI__ macros can have an optional third argument which will be printed in the current font before the first argument. There is a macro __CW__ like __B__ that changes to a constant-width font. The following strings can be redefined to adapt the groff ms macros to languages other than English: String Default Value REFERENCES References ABSTRACT ABSTRACT TOC Table of Contents MONTH1 January MONTH2 February MONTH3 March MONTH4 April MONTH5 May MONTH6 June MONTH7 July MONTH8 August MONTH9 September MONTH10 October MONTH11 November MONTH12 December The font family is reset from the string __FAM__; at initialization if this string is undefined it is set to the current font family. The point size, vertical spacing, and inter-paragraph spacing for footnotes are taken from the number registers __FPS__, __FVS__, and __FPD__; at initialization these are set to __n(PS-2__, __n[[FPS]+2__, and __n(PD/2__ respectively; however, if any of these registers has been defined before initialization, it will not be set. The hyphenation flags (as set by the __.hy__ request) are set from the __HY__ register; if this has not been defined at initialization, it will be set to 14. Right-aligned displays are available with __.DS R__ and __.RD__. The following conventions are used for names of macros, strings and number registers. External names available to documents that use the groff ms macros contain only uppercase letters and digits. Internally the macros are divided into modules. Names used only within one module are of the form ''module''__*__''name''. Names used outside the module in which they are defined are of the form ''module''__@__''name''. Names associated with a particular environment are of the form ''environment''__:__''name;'' these are used only within the __par__ module, and ''name'' does not have a module prefix. Constructed names used to implement arrays are of the form ''array''__!__''index''. Thus the groff ms macros reserve the following names: names containing __*__; names containing __@__; names containing __:__; names containing only uppercase letters and digits. !!FILES __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/ms.tmac__ (a wrapper file for __s.tmac__)__ /usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/s.tmac__ !!SEE ALSO groff(1), troff(1), tbl(1), pic(1), eqn(1)__ ms__(7) ----
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