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GRODVI !!!GRODVI NAME SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION OPTIONS FILES BUGS SEE ALSO ---- !!NAME grodvi - convert groff output to TeX dvi format !!SYNOPSIS __grodvi__ [[ __-dv__ ] [[ __-w__''n'' ] [[ __-F__''dir'' ] [[ ''files''... ] It is possible to have whitespace between a command line option and its parameter. !!DESCRIPTION __grodvi__ is a driver for __groff__ that produces TEX dvi format. Normally it should be run by __groff -Tdvi__. This will run __troff -Tdvi__; it will also input the macros __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/dvi.tmac__; if the input is being preprocessed with __eqn__ it will also input __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/font/devdvi/eqnchar__. The dvi file generated by __grodvi__ can be printed by any correctly-written dvi driver. The troff drawing primitives are implemented using the tpic version 2 specials. If the driver does not support these, the __D__ commands will not produce any output. There is an additional drawing command available: __D'R__ ''dh dv''__'__ Draw a rule (solid black rectangle), with one corner at the current position, and the diagonally opposite corner at the current position +(''dh'',''dv''). Afterwards the current position will be at the opposite corner. This produces a rule in the dvi file and so can be printed even with a driver that does not support the tpic specials unlike the other __D__ commands. The groff command __X'__''anything''__'__ is translated into the same command in the dvi file as would be produced by __special{__''anything''__}__ in TEX; ''anything may not contain a newline.'' Font files for __grodvi__ can be created from tfm files using tfmtodit(1). The font description file should contain the following additional commands: __internalname__ ''name'' The name of the tfm file (without the __.tfm__ extension) is ''name''. __checksum__ ''n'' The checksum in the tfm file is ''n''. __designsize__ ''n'' The designsize in the tfm file is ''n''. These are automatically generated by __tfmtodit.__ In __troff__ the __N__ escape sequence can be used to access characters by their position in the corresponding tfm file; all characters in the tfm file can be accessed this way. !!OPTIONS __-d__ Do not use tpic specials to implement drawing commands. Horizontal and vertical lines will be implemented by rules. Other drawing commands will be ignored. __-v__ Print the version number. __-w__''n'' Set the default line thickness to ''n'' thousandths of an em. __-F__''dir'' Prepend directory ''dir''__/devdvi__ to the search path for font and device description files. !!FILES __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/font/devdvi/DESC__ Device description file. __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/font/devdvi/__''F'' Font description file for font ''F''. __/usr/share/groff/1.17.2/tmac/dvi.tmac__ Macros for use with __grodvi__. !!BUGS Dvi files produced by __grodvi__ use a different resolution (57816 units per inch) to those produced by TEX. Incorrectly written drivers which assume the resolution used by TEX, rather than using the resolution specified in the dvi file will not work with __grodvi__. When using the __-d__ option with boxed tables, vertical and horizontal lines can sometimes protrude by one pixel. This is a consequence of the way TEX requires that the heights and widths of rules be rounded. !!SEE ALSO tfmtodit(1), groff(1), troff(1), groff_out(5), __groff_font__(5), groff_char(7) ----
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