english - flag format for English ispell dictionaries
English dictionaries for ispell(1) supports 3 prefix and 14 suffix flags. For a detailed description of how ispell handles flags and capitalization, see ispell(5). This manual page only describes flags usable in dictionaries built using the english.aff affix file.
In the following discussion of the flags, let # and @ be
In the following list, an asterisk indicates that a flag participates in cross-product formation (see ispell(5)).
The meaning of the prefix flags is as follows:
... --
... --
... --
The meaning of the suffix flags is as follows:
...e --
if # .ne. e, ...# --
...e --
...y --
if # .ne. e or y, ...# --
...e --
...y --
if # .ne. e or y, ...# --
...y --
if # .ne. y, ...# --
... --
...e --
if # .ne. e, ...# --
...e --
if # .ne. e, ...# --
...e --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u) ...@# --
...e --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u) ...@# --
...e --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u) ...@# --
...e --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .ne. e or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u) ...@# --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .eq. s, x, z, or h, ...# --
if # .ne. s, x, z, h, or y, or (# = y and @ = a, e, i, o, or u) ...@# --
if @ .ne. a, e, i, o, or u, ...@y --
if # .ne. y, or @ = a, e, i, o, or u, ...@# --
... --
To summarize more briefly:
V - ive
H - th, ieth
T - est
One page links to british(5):