Annotated edit history of ZakWilliams version 5, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
3 DavidHallett 1 ZakWilliams is an [Linux] user who resides in [Auckland], [NewZealand].
5 DavidHallett 2 [Linux] is the [OperatingSystem] of choice for hosting the website of his business, [Metro Construction|].
1 ZakWilliams 3
3 DavidHallett 4 These days, ZakWilliams primarily uses the [Fedora] distribution, however he first learnt how to use [Linux] at [TheUniversityOfWaikato] with the [Slackware] distribution.
1 ZakWilliams 5
3 DavidHallett 6 When it comes to editors, it has been said that [ZakWilliams] will use vi(1) any day, even if offered [Emacs]!
4 MattBrown 7
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9 CategoryHomePage