Annotated edit history of Xtra version 4 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 JohnMcPherson 1 An [ISP] owned by [TelecomNZ]. The largest ISP in NewZealand.
2 MarcelPodstolski 2
4 !! Problems with Routers
3 IanMcDonald 6 Xtra now gives out routers to new customers. These are D-Link models (502, 504T), which can lead to connection problems. (This is a D-Link issue). The DNS will intermittently not work correctly, and IP addresses will resolve to a different website. These models use an old version of [Linux] with a prehistoric DNS proxy server which is known to be faulty and abandoned upstream. IanMcDonald managed to get D-Link to release latest version of firmware as they were violating [GPL]. In theory you could fix this problem as the DNS proxy is only a very small package but the solution below is easier.
2 MarcelPodstolski 7
8 My solution was to edit resolv.conf, and then lock the file. This will cause problems if you want to switch networks, but the file can always be unlocked and changed. I was also suggested an alternative method which I have not tried.
10 My method:
12 Open your /etc/resolv.conf and set valid DNS-servers
13 <code>sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf</code>
15 For Xtra they are (at 19/04/07)
19 Now save the file.
21 Lock it with <code>sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf</code>
23 This will permanently lock your DNS-values. (to unlock, use chattr -i)
4 MichaelMcDonald 24
26 !! Connecting to Xtra with an external modem
28 When testing a 733MHz Compaq with 384MB RAM, running Ubuntu 8.10 (reasonably acceptable performance!), I ran into problems trying to get it to connect to Xtra via an external modem. For some reason, which I haven't worked out yet, both gnome-ppp and kppp refused to talk to the modem. wvdial worked fine, except the login always failed - wvdial responded to Xtra's 3rd prompt "Login/Network User:" by replying with the username instead of "PPP".
30 I succeeded by running pppconfig, and then changing the last few lines of the chat script in /etc/chatscripts as follows:-
32 <pre>
33 # ispname
34 ogin: your_username
35 # isppassword
36 ssword: your_password
37 # postlogin
38 User: PPP
39 '' \d\c
40 # end of pppconfig stuff
41 </pre>
43 Commands pon and poff then connected/disconnected as required.