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Ximian produce a "Distribution" of GNOME called Ximian Desktop, mostly tailored to commercial use.

Ximian spend a lot of time making GNOME look pretty, by working on good themes, and also cleaning up applications to make them workable and useful. If an application doesn't exist that they think should, they write it: for example the Evolution mail client and the RedCarpet? channel-based package distribution system.

Ximian Desktop 2 was released in June 2003, and it added lots of 2.4-esque features to GNOME 2.2. With the release in 2004 of GNOME 2.6, Ximian Desktop is currently a footnote in the Novell tale - Novell and Suse? are basing a lot of their "managed Linux solution" on Ximian technologies, and Evolution is the new Novell GroupWise client for Linux.

Changing the default web-browser for Ximian Evolution.

I wanted to change the default browser that fires up when I click on links in Evolution. If you'd like to do the same all you have to do is type the following command
$ gnome-default-applications-properties

And enter mozilla "%s" in the Custom Web Browser box. (or whatever you want your browser to be). To make the link open in a new mozilla tab, try mozilla -remote 'openURL(%s,new-tab)'

Additionally, if you find you aren't able to run Galeon after upgrading to XD2, and instead, you get this error
INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: No manager for initializing factory? System error?:: Success

I fixed this issue by removing the /usr/lib/mozilla and /usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/ directories, leaving only /usr/lib/mozilla-1.3.1/. I guessed that the problem was caused by the Flash plugin, but from what I read: " the problem is in the Java plugin by Sun. You need to remove it and install the blackdown java plugin" instead.

(From The Linux Pimp)

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