Blame: XSessionErrors
Annotated edit history of XSessionErrors version 3 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
3 LawrenceDoliveiro 1 The file <tt>.xsession-errors</tt> in your home directory contains anything written to Standard Error by GUI-based programs launched from a desktop environment. If such a program crashes or fails to start, it can be useful to look at the last few lines in this file to see if any messages shed light on the problem:
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 2
2 IanMcDonald 3 <verbatim>
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 4 less ~/.xsession-errors
2 IanMcDonald 5 </verbatim>
1 LawrenceDoliveiro 6
3 LawrenceDoliveiro 7 Note this only applies to GUI programs ''launched from a desktop environment'' (e.g. from desktop menus or icons). GUI-based programs launched from a terminal session will normally write their errors back to that terminal session, unless you redirect them.
2 IanMcDonald 8
9 __Availability__: present under all modern Linux distros.