Differences between current version and predecessor to the previous major change of XF86Config(7).
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Newer page: | version 4 | Last edited on Monday, June 3, 2002 6:56:21 pm | by perry | |
Older page: | version 3 | Last edited on Monday, June 3, 2002 6:56:21 pm | by perry | Revert |
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@
Information common to all version 3 XFree86 X servers is
-available in the __
(1) manual page. The
+available in the XFree86-v3(1) manual page. The
format of the version 3 server configuration file is given
-in __
(5), and the upstream, text-based
+in XF86Config-v3(5), and the upstream, text-based
configuration tool for version 3 servers is documented in
(1). Note, however, that usage of the
+xf86config-v3(1). Note, however, that usage of the
debconf configuration process is preferred. To reconfigure
the X server using debconf, simply run:
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@
exist are available as part of the package.)
Information about the XFree86 X server is available in the
(1) manual page. The format of the version 4
+XFree86(1) manual page. The format of the version 4
server configuration file is given in
(5), and the upstream, text-based
+XF86Config-4(5), and the upstream, text-based
configuration tool for the version 4 server is documented in
(1), Note, however, that usage of the
+xf86config(1), Note, however, that usage of the
debconf configuration process is preferred. To reconfigure
the X server using debconf, simply run:
@@ -161,17 +161,17 @@
When reporting bugs to the Debian Bug Tracking System in
xserver-xfree86, be sure to include a copy of your
''/etc/X11/XF86Config-4'' and
''/var/log/XFree86.0.log'' (or whichever log file the X
-server used - see __
(1)) files in the bug
+server used - see XFree86(1)) files in the bug
report. Many problems with the X server are the result of
poor configuration. Furthermore, this information aids the
Debian Developers in determining your hardware
(5), __XF86Config-v3__(5),
(1), __XFree86-v3__(1),
(1), __xf86config-v3__(1),
+XF86Config-4(5), __XF86Config-v3__(5),
+XFree86(1), __XFree86-v3__(1),
+xf86config(1), __xf86config-v3__(1),