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The side that is west of the east side. <pre> "West side is the best!" -- Ali G, West Staines Massive "East side is the best!" -- East Staines Massive "West side is the best!" -- Ali G, West Staines Massive "West side is the best!" -- East Staines Massive "East side is the best!, erm... damn! You iz tricked me." -- Ali G </pre> Derived obviously from the Los Angeles street gang territory, a lot of Hamilton youth like to proudly align themselves with a gang that they have no idea of the politics on; now fallen into either general or comical use. "West side" refers to Hamilton West, "East side" refers to Hamilton East. You don't have to be a member of either of these. Which reminds me, I went to a new school in Standard 4, and I remember a little 10 year old bogan coming up and asking me if I was a rapper or a 'mettler'. The concept that you could like music that wasn't rap or metal worried me. The WestSide Connection is the 'clan' name that some [Hamilton] gamers comically use in that one of the members lives on West Ridge Drive in Western Heights. CraigBox is a west-sider that has lived on the east-side for long enough to not really know who his homies are any more. Note: has nothing to do with being a 'westie' (aka Ewen Gilmour); westie =~= "west aucklander" =~= "bogan".
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