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The side that is west of the east side.

"West side is the best!" -- Ali G, West Staines Massive
"East side is the best!" -- East Staines Massive
"West side is the best!" -- Ali G, West Staines Massive
"West side is the best!" -- East Staines Massive
"East side is the best!, erm... damn!  You iz tricked me." -- Ali G

Derived obviously from the Los Angeles street gang territory, a lot of Hamilton youth like to proudly align themselves with a gang that they have no idea of the politics on; now fallen into either general or comical use. "West side" refers to Hamilton West, "East side" refers to Hamilton East. You don't have to be a member of either of these.

Which reminds me, I went to a new school in Standard 4, and I remember a little 10 year old bogan coming up and asking me if I was a rapper or a 'mettler'. The concept that you could like music that wasn't rap or metal worried me.

The WestSide Connection is the 'clan' name that some Hamilton gamers comically use in that one of the members lives on West Ridge Drive in Western Heights.

CraigBox is a west-sider that has lived on the east-side for long enough to not really know who his homies are any more.

Note: has nothing to do with being a 'westie' (aka Ewen Gilmour); westie == "west aucklander" == "bogan".

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