Diff: WellThoughtOutReasonsToRunWindows

Differences between version 11 and revision by previous author of WellThoughtOutReasonsToRunWindows.

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Newer page: version 11 Last edited on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:28:20 am by AristotlePagaltzis Revert
Older page: version 10 Last edited on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:35:14 am by MitchKenney Revert
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 There are very good reasons people run [Windows] rather than change to [Linux]: 
-# It's what their employer or school has taught them and they don't want/need to learn another [OperatingSystem]. ([Microsoft] and [Apple] consciously exploit this by offering free computers to many educational institutions.)Moreover, these companies also take advantage of the fact that most companies use their software, which make it a requirement in the [resume help|] of future applicants. Making it necessary for people to be familiar with these companies' software.  
+# It's what their employer or school has taught them and they don't want/need to learn another [OperatingSystem]. ([Microsoft] and [Apple] consciously exploit this by offering free computers to many educational institutions.) 
 # Games they want to play often only run on [Windows]; [FirstPersonShooter]s usually being the exception. 
 # Even though [Windows] comes at a cost, many people already have it. Changing to [Linux] can cost far more than upgrading, at least in terms of time investment. 
 # They need to run an application written for [Windows] that is not portable; commonly specialist (often [Proprietary]) applications. F.ex, businesses have often been using some accounting package written in [VisualBasic] or [VisualC++] for years; obviously, Unix versions of these applications do not exist and with the business being unwilling/unable to migrate, they are "locked in" to [Windows]. 
 # Though this is slowly changing, hardware manufactures rarely provide [Linux] drivers for their latest products (much less ones for less common [Free] systems such as one of the [BSD] flavours). People who want/need/would like to use these have no choice but [Windows] until someone writes a driver for their hardware and OperatingSystem. (Which may or may not ever happen..) 
-# You don't need to run Linux to get access to OpenSource software--see Ubuntu's [ListOfOpenSourcePrograms |] 
+# You don't need to run Linux to get access to OpenSource software--see Ubuntu's [list of open source programs |] 
 See also IssuesWithWindows and WellThoughtOutReasonsToRunLinux 