Annotated edit history of WarWalking version 4, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
1 AndersGreen 1 WarWalking is much like WarDriving minus the car.
3 __Pro__
4 * You get more acurate data.
5 * You get some exercise.
6 * Much nicer to the enviroment.
2 AndersGreen 7 * You save the petrol-money
4 MattBrown 8 * You don't have to stop and get out of the car.
1 AndersGreen 9
10 __Con__
11 * You cover much less area.
12 * You can't make use of the cars power so you're limited to the laptop battery.
13 * Rain is nastier outside of the car.

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()