Annotated edit history of WandGroup version 24, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
15 CraigBox 1 []
3 [WAND|] is a research group at WaikatoUniversity that a few of the LinuxUsersGroup [people|Category:HomePage] are or have been part of.
5 They focus on network measurement and analysis, and are also building a wireless network, called [CRCnet], to connect remote communities and provide them with WirelessNetwork~ing.
7 People in the WandGroup:
24 MattBrown 8 * MattBrown (though also in a RealWorld job)
17 MattBrown 9 * JamieCurtis
22 SamJansen 10 * SamJansen (though also in a RealWorld job)
15 CraigBox 11 * PerryLorier
16 CraigBox 12 * MatthewLuckie
23 IanMcDonald 13 * IanMcDonald (though also in a RealWorld job)
17 MattBrown 14 * TonyMcGregor
15 * MurrayPearson
16 CraigBox 17 People who used to be in the WandGroup but now have jobs in the RealWorld:
19 * MatthiasDallmeier
18 CraigBox 20 * JamesSpooner
19 CraigBox 21 * DanielLawson
20 JamesBrunskill 22 * JamesBrunskill
21 IanMcDonald 23 * AlanHolt

PHP Warning

lib/blame.php:177: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (...repeated 9 times)