Annotated edit history of ULA version 3 showing authors affecting page license. View with all changes included.
Rev Author # Line
1 PerryLorier 1 [Acronym] for __U__nique __L__ocal __A__dressess
3 [IPv6]'s answer to RFC:1918. ULA addresses are reasonably unique but only locally routable and are designed to replace SiteLocal addresses (which were deprecated in RFC:3879)
3 LawrenceDoliveiro 5 There are two alternative specifications, each allocated to one half of ULA space. One has people randomly allocate addresses (in FD00::/8) in a way that makes it statistically improbable that two people will generate the same address and then want to communicate. The second way has the addresses (in FC00::/8) assigned "free" by a central authority thus preventing two people from using the same addresses.
1 PerryLorier 6
7 The current draft ULA draft:
2 PerryLorier 8
9 This has been announced as RFC:4193 <tt>Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses</tt>