Annotated edit history of UFS version 9, including all changes. View license author blame.
Rev Author # Line
4 AristotlePagaltzis 1 An [Acronym] for [Unix] FileSystem.
7 AristotlePagaltzis 2
9 CraigBox 3 UFS started out as a layer on top of Berkeley Fast FileSystem (FFS), which was a derivative of the "FS" filesystem used in the first versions of [UNIX] at [AT&T]. It was introduced in the 4.4[BSD] distribution and is common in its derivatives, such [FreeBSD], [NetBSD] and [OpenBSD], as well as [Solaris]. The [Linux] [Kernel] only includes experimental support.
1 MichaelBordignon 4
9 CraigBox 5 [FreeBSD] version 5.0 introduced UFS2, which allows FileSystem Snapshots, background fscking, as well as support for volumes over 1TB in size.
5 PhilMurray 6
7 [NetBSD] (since 1.5), [FreeBSD] (since 4.0) and [OpenBSD] (since 2.3) all employ an addition to UFS called SoftUpdates. SoftUpdates is which is a mechanism that allows a file system to safely use delayed writes for metadata updates. The results are consistent filesystems after powerloss/crash and much improved performance.
6 PhilMurray 8
9 CraigBox 9 See [WikiPedia:Unix File System] for more information.
8 CraigBox 10
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12 CategoryFileSystem %%%
13 CategoryInodeFileSystem