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Two letter commands commonly found in Unix.

Unix has a reputation for having cryptic commands and syntax. Commands marked with * are not as common, or are not so standard (ie distributed with a typical system).Disclaimer - this is based on personal observation of unix systems, and is in no way definitive.

| ar(1) | archive tool | as(1) | assembler | at(1) | run commands AT a certain time | bc(1) | arbitrary precision calculator | cd(1)? | Change Directory (now a builtin) | cp(1) | copy | dc(1) | desk calculator | dd(1) | copy blocks between files/devices | df(1) | report Disk Free | du(1) | report Disk Usage | ed(1) | EDitor | gs(1) * | GhostScript (postscript interpreter) | gv(1) | GhostView (postscript viewer) (X based) | id(1) | prints user ID | ld(1) | linker | ln(1) | create symbolic !LiNks? | lp(1) | send file to (Line) Printer | ls(1) | !LiSt? directory | m4(1) * | m4 language processor | mt(1) | Magnetic Tape control | mv(1) | !MoVe? files | nm(1) | extract symbols from objects | od(1) | print Octal Dump of files | ps(1) | print Process Status | pr(1) | paginate input for PRinting | rm(1) | !ReMove? files | rn(1)? | Read News | sc(1)? * | Spreadsheet Calculator | sh(1) | SHell | sq(1) * | SQueeze a sorted list | su(1) | Switch User (or Super User) | tr(1) | TRanslate (swap) characters | vi(1) | VIsual Editor | wc(1) | Word Count

Since ls(1) is such an often-used and occasionally mistyped command, there's an amusing little program 'sl' which does an animated Steam Loco.. It comes with freeBSD but there's probably a Linux port if you're really interested. - zcat

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