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Synopsis TextFormattingRules <br> __Emphasis:__ ~'' for ''italics'', ~__ for __bold__, ~''~__ for ''__both__'', ~<tt> for <tt>fixed width</tt>. <br> __Lists:__ * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ''Term<b>:</b>~<newline> definition'' for definition lists. <br> __Preformatted text:__ Enclose text in <tt>~<pre>~</pre></tt> or <tt>~<verbatim>~</verbatim></tt>. <br> __Indented text:__ Indent the paragraph with whitespaces. <br> __References:__ ~JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a <tt>~[page link]</tt> or URL <tt>~[~http://cool.wiki.int/]</tt>. <br> __Preventing linking:__ Prefix with "<tt>~~</tt>": <tt>~~~DoNotHyperlink</tt>, name links like <tt>~[text | URL]</tt>. <br> __Footnotes:__ You can't do in the new markup language. <br> __Misc:__ "<tt>!</tt>", "<tt>!!</tt>", "<tt>!!!</tt>" make headings, "<tt>~%%%</tt>" or "<tt>~<br></tt>" makes a linebreak, "<tt>~----</tt>" makes a horizontal rule. <br> __Allowed HTML tags:__ <b>b</b> <big>big</big> <i>i</i> <small>small</small> <tt>tt</tt> <em>em</em> <strong>strong</strong> <abbr>abbr</abbr> <acronym>acronym</acronym> <cite>cite</cite> <code>code</code> <dfn>dfn</dfn> <kbd>kbd</kbd> <samp>samp</samp> <var>var</var> <sup>sup</sup> <sub>sub</sub> ---- !!! Character formatting * All special non-whitespace HTML characters are displayed as-is. * The tilde <tt>~~</tt> is the ''Escape Character'' * A single tilde before a link ('~~~http://foo.bar', '~~~WikiWord') prevents linking. => ~http://foo.bar, ~WikiWord * You can use tildes in the middle of ~WikiWord~~s to prevent them from being linked as a whole. => WikiWord~s * Similarly, a tilde can be used to cancel the effect of markup ('~~~__', '~~~<tt>'). => ~__, ~<tt> * A tilde also cancels a following tilde, so any two tildes in a row ('~~~~') get rendered as a single tilde. => ~~ * The exception is within [URL]s ('~http://foo.bar/~~baz'), where a single tilde renders as itself. => http://foo.bar/~baz * A single tilde '~~' followed by nothing gets rendered as a single tilde. => ~ !!! Paragraphs * Don't indent paragraphs * Words wrap and fill as needed * Use blank lines as separators * Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule * <tt>~%%%</tt> or <tt>~<br></tt> makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too) !!! Lists * asterisk for first level * indented asterisk (indent at least two spaces) for second level, etc. * Use <tt>~*</tt>, <tt>-</tt>, <tt>+</tt> or <tt>o</tt> for bullet lists, <tt>#</tt> for numbered lists (mix at will) * Definition lists: <pre> Term: definition </pre> gives Term: definition as in the <tt><DL><DT><DD></tt> list * Items may contain multiple paragraphs and other multi-lined content, just indent the items. This includes <tt>~<pre></tt> and <tt>~<verbatim></tt> text! !!! Headings * '<tt>!</tt>' at the start of a line makes a small heading * '<tt>!!</tt>' at the start of a line makes a medium heading * '<tt>!!!</tt>' at the start of a line makes a large heading !!! Preformatted text * Place preformatted lines inside <tt>~<pre></tt>: <verbatim> <pre> Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work. </pre> </verbatim> gives <pre> Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work. </pre> * If you want text with no Wiki interaction, use the <tt>~<verbatim></tt> tag: <pre> <verbatim> Preformatted text. ~WikiLinks do not work. </verbatim> </pre> gives <verbatim> Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work. </verbatim> !!! Indented Paragraphs * Two or more whitespaces signal indented text. Indents may be nested. This is an indented block of text. This block is even more indented. * E-mail style block-quoting is supported as well: <pre> > This is block-quoted text. </pre> renders as > This is block-quoted text. !!! Emphasis * Use doubled single-quotes (<tt>~''</tt>) for emphasis (usually ''italics'') * Use doubled underscores (<tt>~__</tt>) for strong emphasis (usually __bold__) * Mix them at will: __''bold italics''__ * ''Emphasis'' can be used ''multiple'' times within a line, but ''cannot'' cross line boundaries: ''this will not work'' !!! References * Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made using WikiWord~s (preferred) or by placing the page name in square brackets: [this is a page link] (discouraged) * Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this: [http://www.wcsb.org/] * You can name the links by providing a name, a vertical bar "<tt>|</tt>" and then the [URL] or pagename: [PhpWiki home page | http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/] — [the front page | HomePage] * You can suppress linking to WikiWord~s and plain [URL]s by preceding the word with a '<tt>~~</tt>', e.g. ~NotLinkedAsWikiName, ~http://not.linked.to/ * Also, the old way of linking [URL]s is still supported: any text starting with "<tt>http:</tt>", "<tt>ftp:</tt>" or "<tt>mailto:</tt>" will be linked to automatically, as in: http://c2.com/ * [URL]s ending with <tt>.png</tt>, <tt>.gif</tt>, or <tt>.jpg</tt> are inlined if in square brackets, by themselves: <br> [http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/demo/themes/default/images/png.png] !!! Tables Old-style tables are supported through the OldStyleTablePlugin — at the WlugWiki we prefer you use that. Definition list style tables are written just like definition lists, except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a vertical bar "<tt>|</tt>". <pre> Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 This is part of definition 1. Term 2 | Here's definition 2. </pre> results in:'''' Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 This is part of definition 1. Term 2 | Here's definition 2. !!! [HTML] MarkupLanguage * Some in-line markup is allowed through the use of [HTML] tags: <b>b</b>, <big>big</big>, <i>i</i>, <small>small</small>, <tt>tt</tt>, <em>em</em>, <strong>strong</strong>, <abbr>abbr</abbr>, <acronym>acronym</acronym>, <cite>cite</cite>, <code>code</code>, <dfn>dfn</dfn>, <kbd>kbd</kbd>, <samp>samp</samp>, <var>var</var>, <sup>sup</sup> and <sub>sub</sub> * < and > are themselves * The & characters will not work !!! Creating various kinds of special links See [MagicPhpWikiURLs] for gory details on how to write various kind of wiki maintenance and other special links. !!! Inserting plugins Several plugins permit embedding additional functionality to Wiki pages. For example, <verbatim> <?plugin BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits ?> </verbatim> gives <?plugin BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits ?> For more information on plugins, see WikiPlugin. ---- PhpWikiDocumentation
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