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[Teredo | http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/teredo.mspx] is a method of tunneling [IPv6] packets over [IPv4] that is capable of providing direct connections even in situations where both ends are behind [NAT] gateways. The efficiency of virtual PeerToPeer networks greatly benefits from this capability. However, it does require that * there is no FireWall between you and the [Teredo] server * you don't have a realworld [IPv6] address from somewhere else (this isn't that hard tho -- if you have a real IPv6 address, you don't need teredo!) * you are not behind a ''symmetric [NAT]''. If so, you may be able to employ some other means such as setting up [6to4] on the [NAT] device in order to get an [IPv6] address. This [paper|http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/os/nat.pdf] discusses the problems with [NAT] devices supporting (or not supporting) NAT transversal techniques. !!! Implementation notes for clients This discusses the machines behind NAT and if you may have issues with them or not. [Linux], [FreeBSD]:: You can use [Miredo | http://www.simphalempin.com/dev/miredo/]'s client mode to implement [Teredo] on [Linux] or [FreeBSD], provided your [Kernel] has [IPv6] support. <br> MicrosoftWindows:: <br> You need XP Service Pack 2 or the [Advanced Networking Pack | http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=E88CC382-8CE6-4739-97C0-1A52A6F005E4&displaylang=en]. On a CommandLine, do: <pre> ipv6 install netsh interface ipv6 set teredo client teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com </pre> Note: if you are on a MicrosoftWindows domain you must substitute <tt>client</tt> for <tt>enterpriseclient</tt>. Now you should be able to use [VoIP] and [P2P] applications that support [IPv6] as if you had a realworld [IP] address. You can monitor the interface using: <pre> netsh interface ipv6 show teredo </pre> !!!Implementation notes for [NAT] gateways These are NAT gateways that you might be behind and if they will work or not. !!Cone [NAT] (does work with Teredo) * FreeBSD (atl east monowall) * Linux with kernel 2.2 or 2.4 and iptables NAT chain * DSE branded DSL modems ([Cat XH1149|http://www.dse.co.nz/cgi-bin/dse.storefront/41bed6000d39027a273fc0a87f9906a6/Product/View/XH1149]) * [Microsoft's site|http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/p2p/natcompat.mspx] list as being compatible: ** Linksys BEFW11S4 v.1 ** Linksys BEFSR41 ** Linksys BEFSR1 ** D-Link DI-713 with Firmware version 2.53b9 ** NETGEAR RP614 ** NETGEAR RP114 ** NETGEAR MR314 ** NETGEAR FVS318 ** Microsoft MN-100 Wired Base Station ** Siemens Speedstream 2602 NAT Router ** SMC 7004VBR ** SMC 7004AWBR ** Belkin F5D6230-3 ** 3Com 3C855 ** Windows 98 SE Internet Connection Sharing ** Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing * [Microsoft's site|http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/p2p/natcompat.mspx] list as being compatible after firmware upgrades: ** D-Link DI-604 ** D-Link DI-614 * [Microsoft's site|http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/p2p/natcompat.mspx] list as being compatible with configuration changes: ** Microsoft Broadband Wireless Base Station - MN-500 !!Symmetric ("restricted") [NAT] (doesn't work with Teredo or STUN) * Linux in certain other configurations * BSD variants in certain configurations ---- CategoryNetworking
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